M.Sc. in Water Engineering Tuition fees
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Tuition fees
The tuition for one academic year is 5,750 US$/year, or a total of $11,500 (US)for the entire degree.
A $500 discount will be given for early registration (by the end of April 2023) and will be deducted from the first payment.
*If supplementary courses are required, the price will be as follows:

Water Chemistry: $480 /course of 48 academic hours
Microbiology of water and wastewater: $480 /course of 45 academic hours
Water treatment technologies: $350 /course of 32 academic hours
Wastewater and sludge treatment technologies: $480 /course of 45 academic hours
* Tuition fees are linked to the Israeli consumer price index and are subject to the tuition fee regulations which can be accessed on the college’s website.